The independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA), also known as binary independence or the independence axiom, is an axiom of decision theory and various social sciencesThe term is used with different meanings in different contexts;For example, it is difficult to say whether the secondranked employee in unit A is as good as or better than the secondranked employee in unit B Despite the problems of ranking methods, if an organization has a very limited number of promotions or dollars to allocate, rankings can be very useful in differentiating among employeesPlace this name on line #2 of the Alternate Ranking Sheet 4 Return to the class roster and identify the next lowest score and place this name in the second from the bottom Here is an example of alternate ranking for a small sample of classroom assessment data so far Sample Classroom Data Class Roster Score Deshaun 80% Dora 90% Eric 30% Complexity Of Bradley Manna Sipma Lexicographic Ranking Functions Springerlink What is alternatio...